Saturday, April 15, 2006

What Have I Created?

It's a long story short, but I noticed the other day that Das Pood had a strange little nib on the end of his doggie Penaranamus. I thought nothing of it, since Penaranami are such strange beasties anyway what with venereal warts, scabs, piercings, and their whole indecision thing about hard or soft. Jeesh, I mean, make up your mind already!

Anyway, I let a couple weeks go by without noticing his Penaranamus again - I was busy, what with Roger coming over for Gay Dinner (no sesame or poppy seeds-all the seed must be in liquid form). When I did, whoo Nelly! The little nib that had been the size of say a little man in a boat had swollen to the size of a golfball, and lo and behold -- it was a TICK!

I promptly vomited, then stood up with resolve. I was going to master that Tick the way I mastered Roger's ass. I clamped that swollen arachnopod 'twixt my teeth as if it were glans that I was angry at, and let tug.

(dramatic pause)

Okay, so just let me tell you that to have a golf-ball sized tick explode in your mouth is frankly pretty gross, but to have that followed immediately afterwards by about a gallon of doggie semen is another thing entirely. (Note: Preferable to SlimFast, Bud Light, and Zima)

So now Das Pood has a taste for fellatio. On the positive side, Mutt has been dropping by and asking to take him for a walk on a daily basis.


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